NoMore404 features

We monitor your website from 6 locations around the world. If your website is not responding we will keep trying until it responds again. After a set threshold we will inform you via SMS or e-mail that your website is down.

Our monitors are:

Website/Uptime monitor. This monitor loads your homepage and checks the response. Is the server unreachable or if the response code an error then we will alert you. You can run a quick uptime test now.
Incoming Mail server monitor. This monitor connects to your incoming mail server and tries to set up a simple handshake. If the connection fails or the mail server does not want to play we will alert you.
Name server monitor. This monitor connects to your name server and tries to resolve one host name to an IP address. If this fails we will alert you.
Blacklist/Spam monitor. This monitors checks if your host and/or IP address is listed on one of the 51 blacklists. If you are listed on one we will alert you. You can run a blacklist check now.
All monitors are run from 6 different locations. Each location has multiple servers that can run our monitor software.


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